Art is an Asset

The impressive graphs below highlight the low loss frequency of art compared to other major asset classes. While some may still perceive the art world as a risky and subjective investment, it remains an incredibly stable asset class. This stability is particularly evident when works are acquired through experts and advisors who possess the knowledge and experience to guide interested parties through the market and projections for specific works.

Over the next twenty years, art is poised to become a significant component of diversified portfolios, often emerging as the best-performing asset within them. We strongly advocate for demystifying the volatility and opacity associated with art as an asset, which currently primarily benefits the UHNWI (ultra-high-net-worth individuals). It is time for the average investor, indeed every individual, to consider adding art to both their investment strategy and their walls. The benefits are countless.

We encourage questions and conversations from anyone interested in learning more. We encourage those curious to reach out and engage with us!

